Hello friends! Epic Events Inte… I mean Epic Events COORDINATOR here. That’s right, I’ve moved on up in the world and am no longer the intern. I graduated college last Friday and started Monday as a full-time Epic Eventer!
This was right after I got my diploma!
Being that this week marked “the end of a chapter and the beginning of another” as the ole cliché goes, I’ve decided to share some of the wisdom I’ve gained while being the intern here at Epic Events.
- Before you answer/make a business call, make sure you know who, what, when, where, and why. Otherwise you sound like a dummy on the phone scrambling through your notes trying to find the date and time that you swore you had written down somewhere.
- Always have pen and paper to take notes at every meeting, and make an Action Item list to have done before the next meeting. You think you’ll remember everything that was discussed, but you won’t…trust me.
- Make sure you bring (or better yet, wear) a comfy pair of shoes to every event. Rarely do I sit down during an event, so the first thing I want to do when it’s over is take off my heels and put some flats on. It makes the tearing down process 1000x better!
- Always double check an email/Facebook post/ Tweet before you publish it. I would suggest maybe even triple checking to save yourself from embarrassment.
- This one is super important. Save EVERY email conversation that you have with a client or vendor because there’s a good chance that you’ll need to reference it again. Seriously. That email about which committee member brought straws at last year’s event could end up saving you tons of time and money.
This is only a teeny tiny microscopic list of everything that I’ve learned from being an intern at Epic Events. I’m so excited to be working for such a great company and doing what I love!
Krystal Rodriguez
Epic Events Coordinator